Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Long Weekend

The last 4 days have been "summer vacation", so I've done alot of strolling and picture-taking. I considered going to Seoul, but there was rain in much of the forecast. So, instead I decided to do a couple touristy things in Jeonju. One of those things being a visit to Gaeksa. It's the birthplace of Yi Seong-gye, founder of the Joseon Dynasty, (1390-1910), the last dynasty to rule before Japanese domination.

Directly next to Gaeksa is the "Street for Strolling". That's really the name. A bit like a strip mall, no cars allowed (supposedly, but there was some repairs being done). Regardless, a quiet place for strolling and people watching.

The other tourist trap was shopping, luckily it was of the "window" variety. The only thing I bought was a "Goldcrest Wilma" Cypress, a miniature Cypress tree, for about 3 bucks. I read it doesn't usually get much bigger than a large bush and can be used for bonsai. But I think i'll let it grow naturally, that is, if i can get it to grow at all.

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